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What we do

Purpose of our activities

Our aim is to propel relations between Japan and the Republic of Ghana to new heights by
  1. Creating and improving informational material on the Republic of Ghana, conducting surveys, research and bringing the right people together.
  2. Promote the economic and technological cooperation between the Republic of Ghana and Japan
  3. Change perception of Ghana and promote tourism
  4. Create a better, more inspiring web presence
  5. Plan and manage key events
  6. Create competitive human resources through advanced training programs

Business support

GIPC Investment Center
Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC)
Ministry of Youth And Sports
Ministry of Youth And Sports
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Communications

People are important. Bringing the right people together, even more so. So GJFA actively supports finding Japan’s best enterprises and entrepreneurs who are excited about what Ghana has to offer and matching them with what Ghana needs. Regular events will be held to facilitate business matching that simply make sense.

What’s New
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